Should Have Been Bigger: Stink Bug | Nu Pod

Should Have Been Bigger: Stink Bug | Nu Pod

- By Maxime Cherrier

In this episode's "Bands That Should Have Been Bigger" segment, we explore the underrated Dallas-based band Stink Bug.

Introduced by Dez from Coal Chamber, this metal group gained attention for dressing as stormtroopers and delivering chaotic, high-octane nu-metal. The lead singer, Jeremiah, brings a demonic flow to their fast-paced, eclectic songs that touch on themes like drugs, sex, and pop culture references, including Darth Vader and Nintendo. Their album "Dynamic Domination" is a wild ride with samples ranging from porn to Boba Fett mentions. Despite a second album, "Sweet Tit," not hitting the same mark, Stink Bug remains a hidden gem worth discovering on Spotify. Let's give this overlooked band the recognition they deserve!

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